What is Sleep Apnea?

man sleeping with a cpap for sleep apnea machine on

Did you know that sleep apnea affects more than 20 million Americans? Unfortunately, many people are completely unaware of their condition. This can be a serious disorder, which is why education on the topic is so important. Here, we will break down this disorder and share some treatment options for you to try. What is […]

What To Ask At Your Child’s Next Back-To-School Dental Appointment

child at her dental appointment

Before we know it, school will be back in session! There are so many things that your child will need during the back-to-school season, and a dental appointment is one of them. Now is the time to start planning your child’s next dental appointment, and part of that planning will likely include some important questions […]

Dealing With A Dental Emergency

patient with a dental emergency

Just like any other emergency situation, dental emergencies often happen without warning. It’s important that you know how to respond in the middle of an emergency so that you can use every minute effectively. Knowing who to call and what to do after a dental emergency occurs is one of the best things you can […]

Taking Care Of Your Teeth As You Age

woman smiling at dentist office

When properly taken care of, your teeth can easily last a lifetime. That being said, aging brings new concerns for your oral health. Some of these concerns include an increased risk of decay, loss of teeth, infections, gum disease, and oral cancer. Luckily, there are some ways to decrease the risk of these problems. Check […]