Get a More Confident Smile with Invisalign® and Save $500!

Most adults grew up with a terrible impression of braces. The results were great, but the process wasn’t. It was time consuming, uncomfortable, and not very attractive. Invisalign® has changed all that and become even more advanced since it first became mainstream. Gone are the frequent trips to the orthodontist’s office for an adjustment (or […]

How These 5 Tips Help Patients Overcome Dental Anxiety

a photo that says always smile

Dental anxiety can be extremely detrimental to a person’s mental and oral health. Oftentimes, we find patients who haven’t visited the dentist in several years because of their fear of the dental office. No matter how nervous you may be about going to the dentist, it’s never a smart idea to forget to schedule routine […]

How To Whiten Your Teeth in Franklin, TN

A photo after teeth whitening

It’s officially spring and that means more people will be out and about with friends and family. This is the time of year our patients begin asking about teeth whitening options. If you are looking for a fast and easy way to whiten your teeth, then look no further than the many teeth whitening options […]

How Soon Should My Child See A Dentist?

Photo of Dr. Sean Abrams teaching a child how to brush their teath.

When should my child go to the dentist? This is a common concern among parents. The answer to this question is contingent on several factors, including your child’s age and oral health history. Here at Downtown Franklin Family Dentistry, we recommend that you wait until your child is three years old to take them to […]