Thank Your Dentist for a Better Night’s Sleep

man waking up from a great night's sleep

Do you wake up feeling like you haven’t slept? While there are many reasons why people don’t sleep well, one of the most common and serious sleep-related breathing disorders is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Did you know your dentist might be able to help? Like poor oral health, not getting enough quality sleep can greatly […]

The Easiest Step for Better Health

You hear it all the time: eat better and exercise more to improve your health. Yet that advice overlooks the easiest thing you can do—take better care of your teeth and gums. Many people do not realize the connection between a healthy mouth and a healthy body. While it is obvious that good dental hygiene […]

Floss the Teeth You Want to Keep

why and how to floss

Is flossing a daily habit? If not, now is a good time to start! If you’re not already a regular flosser, make a commitment to do it every day for two weeks. We promise you will notice a difference, and it will provide additional motivation to continue until it becomes a habit. Flossing is an […]

Why Do My Teeth Hurt?

Do you find your teeth suddenly or gradually have started to hurt? Discomfort can take many forms—either spontaneous and/or sharp, such as after biting down or when exposed to hot or cold things, or you could experience a more generalized ache like a sore muscle. There’s no shortage of over-the-counter products advertising relief for sensitive […]