The Benefits of Oral Health and Hygiene

The New York Times recently evaluated the latest medical research, and, to nobody’s surprise, good oral health is essential to your overall health. However, what might be shocking is the breadth and depth of impact your oral hygiene routine can have in preventing periodontal disease and many other medical conditions. So, aside from the expected […]

What’s a Periodontist?

Answers to All of Your Questions About Periodontists It’s important for everyone to understand the basics of dental care and how it helps keep your teeth and gums healthy. Of course, you know how to do your part—floss every day, brush for two minutes every morning and evening, and schedule routine professional cleanings and exams […]

Thank Your Dentist for a Better Night’s Sleep

man waking up from a great night's sleep

Do you wake up feeling like you haven’t slept? While there are many reasons why people don’t sleep well, one of the most common and serious sleep-related breathing disorders is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Did you know your dentist might be able to help? Like poor oral health, not getting enough quality sleep can greatly […]

Take Advantage of Open Enrollment Before It’s Too Late!

For many people, the open enrollment period for health benefit plans will soon close. We know that evaluating insurance and benefit plans can be complicated. Selecting the right plan depends a lot on your expectations for the year ahead, but none of us have a crystal ball to predict unforeseen needs. With dental care, there […]