What to Expect When Getting Dentures or a Partial Denture

The idea of getting dentures or partial dentures can be daunting and sometimes even embarrassing. At Downtown Franklin Family Dentistry, we completely understand these concerns and are here to make the process as smooth and comfortable as possible.

Why Patients Should Choose SureSmile® Clear Aligners

Why patients should choose SureSmile Clear Aligners

Choosing SureSmile Clear Aligners is an investment in your long-term oral health and self-confidence. With their advanced technology, comfortable design, and proven results, SureSmile aligners provide a clear path to a straighter, healthier smile. Talk to us today about how SureSmile Clear Aligners can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

Radiography Made Safer: How We’re Protecting Your Health During Dental Visits

Radiography Made Safer. How we're protecting your health during dental visits.

At Downtown Franklin Family Dentistry, your safety and well-being are paramount in every aspect of your dental care. That’s why we’re dedicated to staying informed about the latest advancements and guidelines, especially when it comes to radiography safety. Recently, the American Dental Association (ADA) released updated recommendations to enhance radiography safety in dentistry, and we […]